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Discography  (total 12 Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's )
Albums | Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's | Compilations, Remixes
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Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's
Stoned Remixes (feat.) - X-Dream 2016 Stoned Remixes (feat.)
[Featuring Shpongle ]
2 00:14:19 320 32.78 Mb 0.42€
March - X-Dream 2008 March 3 00:18:42 VBR-215 28.35 Mb 0.53€
Ultratube - We Interface - X-Dream 2006 Ultratube - We Interface 2 00:12:58 VBR-218 19.23 Mb 0.36€
Microchip - X-Dream 1999 Microchip 2 00:16:08 128 14.79 Mb 0.33€
Radiohead - X-Dream 1998 Radiohead 3 00:25:19 320 58 Mb 0.68€
Brain Forest And S.T.O.P - X-Dream 1997 Brain Forest And S.T.O.P 2 00:18:36 VBR-212 27.96 Mb 0.4€
The Frog - X-Dream 1996 The Frog 3 00:25:26 VBR-224 39.81 Mb 0.59€
Cybersnack - X-Dream (Split) - X-Dream 1995 Cybersnack - X-Dream (Split)
[Split with Cybersnack ]
2 00:16:49 VBR-227 27.24 Mb 0.4€
Eleven - X-Dream 1994 Eleven 3 00:25:44 320 59 Mb 0.68€
The 5th Dimension (Split) - X-Dream 1994 The 5th Dimension (Split)
[Split with Planet B.E.N. ]
3 00:22:50 VBR-189 30.26 Mb 0.54€
This - X-Dream 1994 This 3 00:25:00 320 57.32 Mb 0.68€
Children Of The Last Generation - X-Dream 1993 Children Of The Last Generation 3 00:23:44 VBR-221 37.18 Mb 0.58€
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