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Sensational Alex Harvey Band

Sensational Alex Harvey Band
Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey)
Discography  (total 17 Compilations, Remixes )
Albums | Live Albums | Compilations, Remixes | Bootlegs
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Compilations, Remixes
Framed, 1972  (Mini LP) - Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey) 2013 Framed, 1972 (Mini LP) 8 00:40:05
Next, 1973  (Mini LP) - Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey) 2013 Next, 1973 (Mini LP) 7 00:35:47
The Impossible Dream, 1974  (Mini LP) - Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey) 2013 The Impossible Dream, 1974 (Mini LP) 7 00:26:53
Live, 1975  (Mini LP) - Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey) 2013 Live, 1975 (Mini LP) 7 00:46:56
Tomorrow Belongs To Me, 1975  (Mini LP) - Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey) 2013 Tomorrow Belongs To Me, 1975 (Mini LP) 8 00:26:40
The Penthouse Tapes, 1976  (Mini LP) - Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey) 2013 The Penthouse Tapes, 1976 (Mini LP) 9 00:34:51
Next, 1973 + Live, 1975 - Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey) 2005 Next, 1973 + Live, 1975 13 01:12:39
The Impossible Dream, 1974 + Rock Drill, 1978 - Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey) 2005 The Impossible Dream, 1974 + Rock Drill, 1978 19 01:19:48
Tomorrow Belongs To Me, 1975 + SAHB Stories, 1975 - Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey) 2005 Tomorrow Belongs To Me, 1975 + SAHB Stories, 1975 6 00:26:00
Alex Harvey - Considering The Situation (CD 1) - Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey) 2003 Alex Harvey - Considering The Situation (CD 1) 20 01:16:56
Alex Harvey - Considering The Situation (CD 2) - Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey) 2003 Alex Harvey - Considering The Situation (CD 2) 17 01:16:15
Alex Harvey - Unreleased Acetates - Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey) 2003 Alex Harvey - Unreleased Acetates 18 01:08:28
Framed - The Penthouse Tapes - Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey) 2002 Framed - The Penthouse Tapes 19 01:19:49
Alex Harvey And His Soul Band - Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey) 1999 Alex Harvey And His Soul Band 20 00:53:33
Delilah - Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey) 1994 Delilah 14 00:59:53 320 137.36 Mb 2.51€
All Sensations - Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey) 1992 All Sensations 14 01:11:20
The Collection - Sensational Alex Harvey Band (Alexander James 'Alex' Harvey) 1986 The Collection 14 01:08:08
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