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Jefferson Airplane

Jefferson Airplane
Jefferson Airplane
Discography  (total 13 Live Albums )
Albums | Live Albums | Compilations, Remixes
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Live Albums
1966.10.16 - Live At The Fillmore Auditorium - Jefferson Airplane 2010 1966.10.16 - Live At The Fillmore Auditorium 13 01:10:31 320 162.93 Mb 2.5€
1968.02.01 - Return To The Matrix (Cd 1) - Jefferson Airplane 2010 1968.02.01 - Return To The Matrix (Cd 1) 11 00:52:51 320 122.21 Mb 2.04€
1968.02.01 - Return To The Matrix (Cd 2) - Jefferson Airplane 2010 1968.02.01 - Return To The Matrix (Cd 2) 8 00:50:19 320 116.11 Mb 1.62€
1972.09.22 - Last Flight - Live At The Winterland Arena (Cd 1) - Jefferson Airplane 2007 1972.09.22 - Last Flight - Live At The Winterland Arena (Cd 1) 12 00:57:42 320 134.22 Mb 2.23€
1972.09.22 - Last Flight - Live At The Winterland Arena (Cd 2) - Jefferson Airplane 2007 1972.09.22 - Last Flight - Live At The Winterland Arena (Cd 2) 9 00:45:41 320 106.23 Mb 1.7€
Sweeping Up The Spotlight - Live At The Fillmore East, 1969 - Jefferson Airplane 2007 Sweeping Up The Spotlight - Live At The Fillmore East, 1969 12 01:13:15
Live At Golden Gate Park, May 1969 - Jefferson Airplane 2006 Live At Golden Gate Park, May 1969 13 01:10:42 320 162.82 Mb 2.5€
Live At The Fillmore East - Jefferson Airplane 1998 Live At The Fillmore East 15 01:16:22
Live At The Monterey Festival (LP) - Jefferson Airplane 1990 Live At The Monterey Festival (LP) 8 00:37:58 320 88.31 Mb 1.48€
Thirty Seconds Over Winterland [Live 1973] (2009 Remastered) - Jefferson Airplane 1973 Thirty Seconds Over Winterland [Live 1973] (2009 Remastered) 12 01:06:36 320 153.95 Mb 2.33€
Thirty Seconds Over Winterland [Live 1973] (2013 Remastered) - Jefferson Airplane 1973 Thirty Seconds Over Winterland [Live 1973] (2013 Remastered) 7 00:38:02 320 88.06 Mb 1.35€
Bless Its Pointed Little Head [Live 1969] (2004 Remastered) - Jefferson Airplane 1969 Bless Its Pointed Little Head [Live 1969] (2004 Remastered) 13 01:05:27
Bless Its Pointed Little Head [Live 1969] (2013 Remastered) - Jefferson Airplane 1969 Bless Its Pointed Little Head [Live 1969] (2013 Remastered) 10 00:52:42
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