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Alarm (The Alarm)
Discography  (total 9 Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's )
Albums | Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's | Compilations, Remixes
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's
Raw (EP) - Alarm (The Alarm) 1991 Raw (EP) 4 00:14:52 320 34.11 Mb 0.69€
Electric Folklore (Live EP) - Alarm (The Alarm) 1988 Electric Folklore (Live EP) 6 00:41:52 320 95.97 Mb 1.26€
Presence Of Love (EP) - Alarm (The Alarm) 1988 Presence Of Love (EP) 4 00:19:16 320 44.22 Mb 0.74€
Rain in the Summertime (12 1987 Rain in the Summertime (12" Single) 4 00:15:16 320 35.07 Mb 0.7€
Rescue Me (Single) - Alarm (The Alarm) 1987 Rescue Me (Single) 4 00:14:12 320 32.6 Mb 0.68€
Knife Edge (Single) - Alarm (The Alarm) 1986 Knife Edge (Single) 4 00:14:38 320 33.56 Mb 0.69€
The Chant Has Just Begun (Single) - Alarm (The Alarm) 1984 The Chant Has Just Begun (Single) 3 00:12:46 320 29.3 Mb 0.54€
Where Were You Hiding When The Storm Broke (Single) - Alarm (The Alarm) 1984 Where Were You Hiding When The Storm Broke (Single) 3 00:09:23 320 21.55 Mb 0.5€
The Alarm (EP) - Alarm (The Alarm) 1983 The Alarm (EP) 5 00:17:36
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