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November 12, 2023
Red Johnson - Big Brave Me

The title track joyfully and cheerfully begins the musical path of the Red Johnson - Big Brave Me album, walking with inspired vocal steps along the chosen musical path, complementing the main vocals with background vocals and sparkling guitar chimes. At the beginning of the What Kind of World song, the vocal part is complemented by the background tunes of the singing lady, but confidently and unquestioningly bringing the vocal part to the foreground of the musical image, captivating with the background tunes and the melodic charm of the harmonica.
The vocal story creates an inspired mood, enveloping in a feeling of comfort and the charm of the sound of the Hidden Feelings composition, captivating you in a leisurely procession in dreamy inspiration. The guitar chime moves to the foreground, ringing brightly and sparklingly with notes of acoustic guitar and complementing these sparkling notes with the pacifying thoughtfulness of the vocal story of the Too Much of You Went with Him song.
The unhurried musical procession of the Anything but Me composition enchants with the bewitching dance of two vocals, sometimes intertwining them in a charming duet. The I Took Your Memory for a Walk song brings the vocal story to the forefront of the musical image, complementing this story with the enchanting chime of the strings.
The soft acoustic chime of guitar strings together with gentle vocal phrases weaves a charming musical lace of the I'd Rain All over You romantic ballad, anticipating the solemn calm of the Things You Promised Me composition that closes the album.