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Crossing the imaginary bridge

October 26, 2023
Juniper Grave - Of Hellions and Harridans

The intriguing mystery of the keyboard symphony envelops the pensive charm of the singing lady's vocal story, entwining it with a sparkling lace of enchanting twilight, but then music and vocals unite in a joint rhythmic procession of The Forest march, which begins the musical path of the Juniper Grave - Of Hellions and Harridans album, supporting guitar riffs and vocal phrases with the enchanting canopy of the background keyboard symphony, continuing with the solemn procession of exciting musical motifs of A Trick of the Light composition, complemented by artistic keyboard suites and enchanting vocals inspiration.
The bewitching dance of the Daughter of the Waves ballad interweaves music and vocals in the enchanting whirlwinds of a melodic waltz, intriguing with the mysterious sound of the verse and lifting the sparkling inspiration of the chorus to the tops of sparkling waves, developing musical charm in the mysterious artistry of The Bridge Between Worlds twilight musical tale, bringing epic shades of minstrel sagas and bards ballads into the sound of the album with a touch of medieval musical variations.
Beginning with a saddened guitar solo of the introduction, the further musical mystery slowly moves through the twilight haze of doubts and despair, entwining the musical path with echoes of disappointments and losses, but then the vocal part introduces notes of twilight hope into the musical composition, gradually drawing us onto the mysterious Dance of the Daemon Queen path.
The melodic charm of the guitar intro wraps around mesmerizing notes, then intertwining in an enchanting waltz with the leisurely and sensual vocals narrative of the Lunar Callling ballad, complementing the main vocals of the singing lady with the background support of other female vocals. The guitar solo of the instrumental section captivates with artistic ascension, followed by the unity of the two vocals in a charming unity of female vocals, uniting in the final procession of this musical fragment. After a painful pause, the Rest with Your Dead composition enters the path of completing the album with intriguing mystery, developing the sound with the introduction of vocals, gradually raising the banners of musical triumph and folk festival in the bright conclusion of the album.